Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pictures (8 months)

Can't believe how the time has flown!

Update for September

Thought it was about time for an update! Brielle has been doing great! She has been eating everything by mouth, including baby food! No more NG tube! We are still thickening her formula to prevent aspiration, but she has been doing so well with her feeds! She has also been weaned off of a few of her meds, which is a huge relief! The biggest thing we're working on now is her development. Spending so much time in bed, and being in and out of surgery, has caused her a few setbacks. Though she is one determined little cookie! She rolls over on her belly, and you can tell that she wants to crawl so bad! Her muscles just aren't able to do it quite yet, and you can see the frustration in her eyes. But she will get there! We're working with therapy on ways to help her get stronger. But all in all she is doing awesome, and she is such a joy to our lives! It's so sweet to see the relationship between her and her sister. It's going to be so much fun to watch them grow up together! Thanks again to everyone who has been praying for her! We know this progress would not be possible without the Lord!